You have probably heard how big of a problem asbestos can be in Upperville, VA homes. Asbestos can seep into many different materials including a large amount of fireproofing materials. During the asbestos testing procedure, our company will pick up all of the different materials that the asbestos has crept into. Fireproofing materials are especially susceptible to asbestos because they often lie in direct contact with the asbestos. Over time, asbestos fibers are picked up by these fireproofing materials so even if the asbestos is removed, there may still be some lingering fibers on these other materials.
Envirotex is a licensed asbestos testing and removal contractor. We offer:
To make sure that an asbestos removal is complete, we always provide a thorough asbestos testing beforehand. This will help us to pick up problem points such as fireproofing materials as well as other areas that tend to gather a lot of asbestos fibers. Once the asbestos testing has revealed all of these areas, we will send our crew out to your Upperville, VA home to make sure that everything is safely removed. Our staff is fully trained in asbestos removal and asbestos testing in the Upperville, VA area and they will be sure to take care of you and your family.
For questions or concerns about the asbestos testing and removal procedure in Upperville, VA simply give us a call, and we will make sure to address all of your questions. We enjoy working closely with our Upperville, VA customers, and we know that our asbestos testing is a service that you truly stand to benefit from greatly. If we do not believe in what we did, then there would simply be no reason to continue doing it. However, each member on our asbestos testing team enjoys the fact that they get to help make your home life safer, and they will be happy to answer any of your concerns. In time, you will see the true value that a properly handled asbestos testing can have in your Upperville, VA home.
About Envriotex Environmental Services
Established in Northern Virginia in 2000, Envirotex Environmental Services was founded on military service. While serving his country, the company's owner Mr. Freeman gained vast knowledge and experience in the environmental services field. His expertise in air monitoring and hazardous materials testing prepared him for his post-military career.
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