The Importance Of Lead-based Paint Testing In Your Alexandria, VA Home
A source of lead poisoning for both children and adults in Northern Virginia, lead-based paint can cause irreversible brain damage leading to diminished mental function. Both physical and mental developments are impacted by lead-based paint, and to avoid possible affliction in your Washington DC home, an investment in lead-based paint testing is essential.
Pregnant women exposed to lead-based paint face even greater risks than other occupants in the home. Even extremely low levels of lead-based paint can delay fetal development and lead to health concerns for both the mother and baby.
Health problems resulting from lead-based paint poisoning include irritability, poor muscle coordination and nerve damage throughout the body. Other potential health risks resulting from lead-based paint include increased blood pressure and reproduction issues stemming from a decreased sperm count. Lead-based paint should be tested for prior to attempting conception, and most certainly prior to bringing an infant into your Silver Spring, MD home.
Symptoms of lead poisoning include fatigue, loss of appetite, reduced attention span, insomnia, constipation, stomach pain or discomfort and irritability. Each of these symptoms can easily be confused with other common illnesses, and are often misdiagnosed or missed altogether unless medical professionals are alerted to the possibility of lead-based paint exposure in your Fairfax Station, VA home. When symptoms remain untreated - especially in children - lead-based paint exposure can cause long-term and permanent damage.
Although many homeowners in the Haymarket, VA area are cautioned about young children eating paint chips or chewing on painted surfaces such as windowsills resulting in lead-based paint exposure, this is one of the least common ways exposure occurs. Inhaling and ingesting dust from lead-based paint is much more likely as homes are repainted or renovated and the dust created from sanding and demolition becomes airborne. Always take extra caution when sanding, scraping or demolishing in homes that have not been tested for lead-based paint.
Serving all of Northern Virginia since 2000, Envirotex Environmental Services uses the latest technology for lead-based paint testing in your home or business. For more information on lead-based paint testing, lead-based paint removal or lead-based paint remediation, contact the experts at Envirotex Environmental Services.