Fraud Blocker Why It’s Best to Leave Mold Growth to a Mold Removal Company in Northern, VA – Envirotex Blog

Why It’s Best to Leave Mold Growth to a Mold Removal Company in Northern, VA

Dealing with mold can be extremely dangerous if you are not familiar with the type of mold growing in your Northern, VA home. A small amount of mold can be removed by the homeowner, but anything more should be left to a mold removal company such as Envirotex. Envirotex has been in business since 2000 and offers environmental services including—

  • Mold Testing and Remediation
  • Asbestos Testing and Remediation
  • Meth Labs and Clandestine Drug Lab Cleanup
  • Lead Paint Testing and Remediation
  • Demolition

Hiring a mold removal company when you notice mold growth in your Northern, VA home is essential to eliminating the mold and preventing it from coming back in the future. First off, you need to know what is actually causing the mold growth within your home. You may have a leaky pipe inside your walls, it could be from too much humidity, or it could be another issue. Whatever the problem that is causing your mold growth at your home in Northern, VA, a professional mold removal company can advise you on a plan to eliminate the problem altogether.

Mold removal companies are experienced in dealing with all situations and are quick to determine where the problem is coming from. Once assessed and repaired, mold removal will begin. The area containing mold in your Northern, VA home will be isolated so that the mold spores when disturbed and removed do not spread to other areas of the home during the removal.

The mold removal company’s technicians will wear safety glasses, protective clothing, respiratory masks, shoe covers, and gloves to protect themselves against any mold fibers that are released into the air. All family members will be asked to leave the premises until the mold removal company has completed the removal of all mold within your Northern, VA home.

Once the mold removal company is finished, you and your family are free to reenter your home and breath easier knowing that you are breathing cleaner air with the mold removed. A musty, moldy home can play havoc on family members health and should not be taken lightly. At the first sign of any mold growth or musty smell at your Northern, VA home, give Envirotex a call.