Professional meth lab cleanup in Front Royal, VA, is essential to safely decontaminate buildings where clandestine meth labs operate, are found abandoned, or raided by law enforcement.
There were 9,338 meth labs shut down by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) in 2014. These clandestine meth labs operate everywhere – in mobile homes, portable trailers, sheds, commercial buildings, and ordinary homes like yours and mine. They contain high levels of hazardous chemicals that demand meth lab cleanup in Front Royal, VA, involving intensive meth decontamination performed by highly-trained, licensed, insured and regulated environmental professionals.
Meth residue left behind from the cooking process contaminates the very pores of the building where it resides. Ingredients include common household products such as drain cleaner, cold medicine, lye, cooking fuel, and battery acid. Cooking methamphetamine produces five to seven pounds of toxic waste for every pound of meth it yields.
Every home that once housed a meth lab is, in essence, a hazardous waste site. Homes contaminated by methamphetamine toxicity need hard core, professional hazmat cleaning performed by environmentally knowledgeable experts. The alternatives are gutting the building interior provided the base structure is unaffected, or demolition.
Not only are the chemicals used to make the drug toxic, but meth lab cleanup is inherently dangerous because of the volatility of the chemical manufacturing process. That makes meth lab cleanup in Front Royal, VA, very costly. Forget insurance – it is unlikely your policy offers reimbursement for any loss or expense incurred in connection with a crime.
A 2014 law now requires all landlords, property owners, and home owners to disclose the prior existence of a meth lab on their property. In response to the law The Virginia Department of Health published consumer guidelines for meth lab cleanup so Front Royal, VA, residents can learn more about how to keep themselves safe and ensure they get the level of professional services needed to provide satisfactory meth lab cleanup in Front Royal, VA.