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A Growing Danger – Drug Lab Cleanup in Culpepper, VA

Meth Lab CleanupWhenever a meth lab is discovered or suspected, authorities and certified environmental specialists put their safety on the line to perform professional drug lab cleanup for Culpepper, VA, property owners.

Methamphetamine makers are using a creative assortment of locations, including “mobile meth labs,” high-end luxury homes, and continuing health care facilities to house their one-pot meth cooking rigs. Law enforcement cites a recent bump in the use of the ‘shake and bake’ method for cooking meth as a major factor contributing to the increase in lab incidents that threaten communities across the nation.

How do you know a site has been home to a meth lab near your Culpepper, VA, home? Cleanup experts say to look for these telltale signs:

  • Excessive trash and debris from the production of meth can litter the site and surrounding area. You may notice frequent trash hauling for illegal disposal in an off-site location.
  • Packaging from ingredients, large containers and plastic soda bottles used in the “shake and bake” technique of meth production. Common ingredients include the cold medication pseudoephedrine, drain opener, lithium from batteries, water, Coleman camp fuel and ammonium nitrate.
  • Strong fumes and chemical odors, unusual ventilation and covered windows.
  • Other signs may include dead patches of vegetation where chemicals are dumped and a patchwork of security measures like signs and video monitors.
  • Residents tend to exhibit suspicion and paranoia, staying indoors except to smoke cigarettes and entertain frequent and familiar visitors.

Effective July 1, 2015, home sellers and landlords in Virginia are required by law to disclose the known use or production of methamphetamine in a residence. The disclosure must state if the property has not been cleaned up in accordance with federal and state regulations.

Call Envirotex and your local authorities if you suspect a meth lab is operating in your rental property or neighborhood. Envirotex has the certification, experience, high-level training, and high-tech resources to provide you with comprehensive meth lab cleanup in Culpepper and throughout Virginia.